He said, she said.  Well, more like he said, he said.  You get it.

Ruben Amaro is disputing Davey Lopes' claim that Chase Utley is being bothered by a knee injury.  Amaro spoke to CSN Philly's Jim Salisbury saying:

“Davey Lopes is not a doctor. He’s not our spokesman. He has given out
wrong information. Chase is not injured. There is no injury. I will dispute
what Davey says. That is false and incorrect information.”

He then of course goes on to say that Utley has experienced "soreness" in his knee.  Right.

A big case of semantics.

The important thing is that Utley has not had an MRI, so there is no way to tell if the soreness is actually an injury or not.  Utley is the type of guy who would decline an MRI to avoid diagnosis. 

Perhaps it's tendinitis.  Perhaps it's inflammation.  Perhaps he has a ruptured bursa sack (ruptured and sack should not allowed to be used near each other).  Would any of those mean he's injured?

It depends on your definition of "injury." 

injury [ˈɪndʒərɪ]

n pl -ries

1. physical damage or hurt

So if he's hurting, he would be injured.  Does "soreness" mean he's hurting?  I don't know.  All I do know is that this is turning into one big circle jerk of the English language.  We're done here.