Rear Views: 5 Reasons Why I 'Like' the Eagles
Football season has arrived, and I can't help but admit my lack of vast football knowledge. I used to be a hardcore Eagles fan, but I switched gears at a young age to simply focus on the Flyers and their physically attractive roster. But since interning and working at 97.5 The Fanatic, I have become more and more excited about this upcoming season, especially after visiting training camp in it's second week. So I present you with my top 5 reasons why I'm excited for the upcoming Eagles season.
And it's all about when the helmets are off…
5) Brent Celek
No offense to the ladies who are in love with Mr.Celek, but I just don't see the intense physical attraction. I do think he has something going for him though. He's number five on this list because he's adorable and he's funny. Let's face it girls (and guys?) at the end of the day, you don't want to be with a Tiger Woods type, you want to be with the Brent Celek type (unless you're an attention lovin', gold diggin'- oh excuse me). We love you, Brent. And your twitter background.
4) Hank Baskett
First off, is it possible to say his name without saying it in its entirety? I don't think I've ever heard him called by his first or last name (like Dickie Thon). That aside, Hank Baskett is on this list because I like him- I like him a lot. He has the patient and kind husband thing going for him. His wife has a sex-tape with an oger of man. There's that… and the whole Hugh Hefner thing.
3) Todd Herremans
I first saw Mr.Herremans at this year's Donovan McNabb Kids Football Clinic in New Jersey. Maybe it was the way he was playful and sweet to the kids, or maybe it was because he's a hot piece of ass… I know staring is impolite, but I couldn't stop. Todd's got the cuddly, sexy, good style thing going for him. Yes, I'm aware that calling a guy "cuddly" is like hitting him with a barrage of homosexuality, but it's true.
2) Stewart Bradley
My brother thinks he has the face of a remedial midget, but I tend to think he's damn sexy. Anyway, I saw Mr.Bradley at Eagles training camp and my eyes glued to him. Tall, dark, so handsome and those white teeth… (glazed look on face) oh sorry! I got carried away there.
1) Riley Cooper
Not only does he play for our beloved Eagles, but he was drafted by the Phillies out of high school (you already know this if not you're living under a freakin' rock). In an interview with Mike Missanelli, Cooper told Mike that he wanted a proper education (smart boy), and that in baseball "you don't win enough" and that he "couldn't keep his hair long". Okay, okay the second half doesn't completely make sense on his part, but as a female it was hard not to stare and nod at everything he said. The 'lax flow', as everyone is calling it, and that mild southern accent had me under a strong spell. I expect great things from him and if he does not deliver.. well, I'll have to teach him a lesson.
Honorable mention: Leonard Weaver's dog named _____