UPDATE: Flava Flav Was 100% Right About Vick Starting
We posted this on August 16th- we wrong. He was right. In communist Russia, Flava Flav joke comes back on you!
Flava Flav thinks Michael Vick should start over Kevin Kolb. Awwwwww shiiiit. We have ourselves a controversey.
Not really.
That's like the equivalent of a Presidential candidate getting an endorsement from Jim McGreevey.
Flav, who was performing at the Trocadero last week, wore a Vick jersey and Yankees hat on stage, saying: [Trentonian]
“Yo! You know what? I’m wearing this because Mike Vick is my favorite player. And I think he’s the guy to lead the Philadelphia Eagles."
Well, there you have it.
H/T to TedWilliamsHead.com