Last night ESPN reported that Andre Iguodala would like to play for a winner on its pregame telecast.  Wait, wait- stop the presses- an athlete wants to win?  Outrage.

From there, that quickly turned into AI is demanding a trade, AI doesn’t like Philly, etc.  Sixers beat writer Kate Fagen put a stop to that.

She reported that Iguodala has not demanded a trade or told management that he would like to be traded, and he will continue, at least for the foreseeable future, to hamper the Sixers’ growth with his $80 million (gulp) contract.

Can we demand a trade for him?

Speaking of “AI.”  Allen Iverson officially signed a two-year $4 million contract with a Turkish team today, setting up one of the great press conference backdrops of all-time for a hoopster from Virginia.

How the mighty have fallen.  via (@deepsixer3)
