Tim Lincecum Was Completely Unfazed by Us

Kyle Scott | October 17, 2010

We did it to CC, we did it to Eva(n) Longoria.  Could we do it to Timmy?

Nope.  The Jaromir Jagr-like whistles, directed toward Lincecum during his at-bats, didn't work.  

It actually got very loud at times, but Lincecum completely laughed off the mocking of his long hair.

"I was thinking I must have a really nice butt, because I heard a lot of (whistles)," Lincecum said with a laugh. "I’ve never been whistled at that much. The Philly fans must love something about me."

"I was kind of laughing about it," Lincecum said. "Obviously I can’t not hear it. Whistles are going on when I’m swinging, when I’m walking back to the dugout. I tried turning it into a funny situation, a humorous situation."


Shit, an opponent with skill and a sense of humor.  Touche Timmy, Touche.