Asante Samuel Fined $40k for Hit, Calls the League and Deion Sanders Haters

Kyle Scott | November 24, 2010

According to Tim McManus (@Tim_McManus), Asante Samuel told reporters he was fined $40,000 for this hit on Derek Hagen.

No complaints here.  However, I'm still baffled that the hit on Ellis Hobbs didn't even result in a penalty, all because he wasn't considered "defenseless."  The NFL at work, folks.  

Asante is also pissed at Deion Sanders for calling him the "best off-corner" in the league.  [PSD]

“He’s a hater. You can write that,” Samuel said.

Asked then about the league, he responded: “They’re haters, too.” When questioned about the hit, Samuel revealed he was fined $40,000.


There you have it.  Deion Sanders, the NFL- haters.  Watch Deion's comment here.


Oh boy.

Video after the jump.  Bonus points to the guy who overlayed Kevin Rudolf's I Made It to the replay.