Kevin Kolb Texted Pictures of Dead Animals to Vick, For Realsies

Kyle | November 9, 2010

"Check out your boy getting his hunt in"

Last week, ESPN's Elizabeth Merrill wrote a very interesting piece about the heart warming relationship between Michael Vick and Kevin Kolb.  She managed to paint a picture of two BFF's that share a common goal of winning football games.  And, um, ya know, some other things:

Last week, during the Eagles' bye, Vick received a series of text messages. They were from Kolb. One was a picture of a couple of dead turkeys that Kolb bagged during his trip back home to Texas; another featured a wild hog who met an ill fate with a bow. Check out your boy getting his hunting in, is all Kolb remembers typing in a testosterone-charged week of camouflage and reflection.


Sick since of humor that Kolb has.  We'll just assume Vick didn't respond in kind…