Spectrum Bricks are Rather Expensive, and a Post Demolition Party... in the Spectrum?
That will look great next to my Grandmother's ashes
Comcast-Spectacor will begin selling bricks as soon as the demolition commences today at noon. That's right, for only $39.95 you can own a brick from God knows where in the 41 year old building (please don't be from the bathroom, please don't be from the bathroom). Sadly, thousands of Hersey Hawkins bricks will not be available.
You can place your order at today's demolition or at RememberTheSpectrum.com. But remember (redundant?) folks, per the press release, "these bricks may vary in color, style and condition due to location and sun exposure." And popcorn packed urine stains.
Of course, your brick won't be given to you today, since they aren't really knocking down that much of the place. We're told Flyers, Sixers and Comcast workers will be rolling beer coolers into Bullies (in the Spectrum, mind you) at around 3 o'clock for a final party. Sounds safe.