
You may have heard what Terrell Owens said last night on his T.Ocho Show about Donovan McNabb:

“Well, I don’t really want to start anything, but I did play in the Super Bowl and there were rumors where he couldn’t get our two-minute offense going at the end of the game,” Owens said. “I’m just saying.”

But what you may not have heard, and, quite frankly, what we find much more interesting, is with Freddie Mitchell said.  Freddie Mitchell.

Our boy Timmy Mac tracked down the ex-Eagle and got his thoughts on McNabb- since, ya know, everybody is kicking him while he's down:

“I respect both Coach Reid and Coach Shanahan — they have two total different coaching theories,” Mitchell said. “I can only wonder what would have happened in the Super Bowl if Reid stepped up and said, ‘You know what? You’re playing like [expletive], you’re benched.’ I don’t know many coaches that have the balls to do that. He was playing like [expletive] and he should have been benched. … And don’t say he doesn’t have a record of this; he did the same thing in every single championship game.”

Then he turned on Tim Hasselbeck, regarding his comments about the Eagles not liking McNabb's practice habits:

“That’s not true. He is just trying to be like his [expletive] wife,” said Mitchell. “He should have never even stepped foot on an NFL field. … He never should have been in the league.”

He then went on to say that he feels he was blackballed from the NFL because of his criticism of McNabb.

Thank you for weighing in, People's Champ.  You weren't blackballed from the NFL because you were critical of Donovan McNabb, you were blackballed from the NFL because you were terrible.  

Is it Sunday yet?

H/T to Brian Wheat for giving us a heads up on T.O.'s comments earlier today