Top_ten1From five to one: Not Funny, Not Funny, Not Funny, Not Funny, and It Has a Chance

This isn't getting old yet.  We're going to kick New York while they're down.

Even David Letterman acknowledged the pain felt by New York sports fans this week.  In his opening monologue, he talked about the embarrassing loss for the Giants, Cliff Lee- "yeah, I woldn't live there [New York] for $200 million"- and even threw in a tired Michael Vick-dog joke.  Of course, Lee wasn't offered $200 million by the Yankees, but now we're just pickin' nit.

Video after the jump.  No need for video of the "Top Ten Giants Excuses," however.  It wasn't funny and a screenshot will suffice.

While we're on the topic… New York Governor David A. Paterson (classic douche move with the middle initial) has been fined $62,125 for accepting free tickets to Game 1 of the 2009 World Series. Yep, the same game Lee rained down buckets of awesome on Yankee Stadium.  How'd that work out for you, Gov?

Paterson accepted the tickets from a lobbyist.  When members of the media caught on to his actions, he backdated a check to cover his tracks, and then lied about the incident under oath.  Nice.

Finally, our friends over at The Wiz Wit have great video of Bob Costas skewering the Giants for Sunday's loss and, as only Costas could, eloquently detailing a week of Philly dominance over New York.

Letterman after the jump, along with a Tecmo Super Bowl style video of D-Jac's return.

H/T to readers Mark and Sean