UniDiction: Week 13 – Eagles vs. Texans

Dan Fuller | December 2, 2010


OK, so maybe last week wasn't my finest.  I could invoke the "score wraps to zero every 28 points" clause, but that'd just be sad.  My (and the Eagles') loss makes the system 7-4.

Next up, the Texans.  My process for doing these UniDiction usually involves scouring the Internet for pictures of the various uniform combinations for the "pre-UniDiction" segment, and usually, these searches end up on random team-related forums because that's really the only place (other than UniWatch Blog, you'll find people discussing the finer points of infrequently seen uniform combinations, of which the Texans have more than their fair share.  Digging through these forums, I found out something amazing about Texans fans.

They hate the Cowboys.

Awesome.  I think I may have just picked my "AFC team I'll say I'll follow, but will likely ignore unless they make it to the Super Bowl against someone other than the Eagles."

But wait.  There's more.

The Texans have somewhere between "a whole bunch" and "a bajillion" uniform combinations, but, get this, they announce all of them before the season starts.  (note: the Bengals, another team with a whole lot of possible combinations, do this too, but let's face it, I already have an AFC team…. which I picked two minutes ago).  People in the Texans' PR and media departments — thank you.

Onto the uniforms.

The Eagles (who kindly announce their uniforms the Tuesday before the game) are wearing what should be their "official" home uniform, Midnight Green over White, and the Texans, according to their oh-so-handy uniform schedule, are in White over Blue.

The Texans have three special monochrome combinations, and they get special names.  All-red is "Battle Red," solid Blue is "Deep Steel Blue," and White over White is "Liberty White."   Every now and then (twice ever?), they'll wear Red over White, and their normal home uniform is Blue over White.  If I had to pick one, I think I'd go with the Red over White, but that might only be because it's rare.  In general, it's a good looking uniform, though, and the fact that it's from after 2000, and doesn't look like a space suit, is a nice touch.

UniDiction after the jump.

The UniDiction

Either 2, 3, 6, or 7 points awarded for each category (safety, field goal, touchdown, touchdown+point after, of course)


Eagles: 7 — Same as always.  Definitely one of the best helmet designs in the league.  I'm a sucker for "functional" helmet designs.

Texans: 6 — Sure, Red, White, and Blue don't make the most unique combination of colors, but it works (and the Red has a slight amount of blue in it, and they're using Navy, so it's not exactly the same as the standard "red, white, and blue.").  The steer's head makes a "T" for Texas, and the whole thing evokes the Texas flag.


Eagles: 7 — When fans think of the "post-Cunningham" Eagles, they're picturing theMidnight Green jerseys.  A unique, bold color, detailed strokes and drop shadows on the numbers, and nice use of logos on the sleeves and collar.

Texans: 3 — I'm not a big fan of White jerseys in general, but the Red numbers really pop, and the Blue patches at the shoulder are an interesting, unique alternative to traditional stripes or trim on the sleeves.

Pants + Socks

Eagles: 6 — The White pants provide nice contrast with the solid green of the jersey, and instead of plain white, the thick Black ad Green stripes (with the pencil thin grey stripe) on the side of the pants gives them a slightly modern touch.  Black over White socks also break up the White from the pants 

Texans: 6 — I'm a sucker for the fact that they use White as the "meat" and Red as the "bread" of the "sandwich" striping.  Keeping that ridiculous metaphor going, it also helps that there's a nice helping of meat.  It definitely gives them a modern (but understated) look.  I am not a fan of the Blue socks which cause the pants to visually collide with the socks.


Eagles: 7 — This is the Eagles' premiere look, so I expect them to play like that.

 Texans: 7 — Nice uniforms and they hate the Cowboys.  That's the full 7.

 Final Score

Eagles 26

Texans 19

 Random related uniform trivia: The Texans were originally going to use White helmets.  Read more about it (and other lost helmets).