Allen Iverson's Downward Spiral Continues
"I'm fallin' apart here, man!"
In October, Allen Iverson signed a two-year, $4 million deal with a Turkish basketball team after no NBA squad was willing to take a chance on him. It was an opportunity for the former Sixer to put himself in a better situation professionally, personally, and financially.
Yet every time we've heard his name since, it's been in a negative light… and the news continues to worsen. It began with a leg injury that forced him to return home to United States for potential leg surgery.
After visiting Dr. James Andrews in Brimingham in the beginning of the month, Iverson found out he wouldn't need surgery, Instead, he had to rest for the next six to eight weeks before returning to his team for the playoffs.
Seems pretty simple…. take the free time to rest up and get back to work, right?
Not so much. A series of tweets compliled by Sports by Brooks this weekend tells us exactly what AI has been up to. He hasn't been resting, that's for sure. More after the jump.
A "tweet timeline" tells us the real story, and more than anything, it's sad.
Dude, what are you doing?
It's honestly a tough thing to see, considering this was one of the guys I (and many of you) grew up watching. His fall from grace is nothing short of tragic, and it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't make it back to Turkey this season to join his team for the playoffs. Watching this is like the TV show you hate but can never turn away from.
Hopefully, AI can get it together and turn it around, but no one is holding their breath.
H/T to Spike Eskin and his twittering prowess