Old People Like Aces Too

Kyle Scott | February 21, 2011

Sans Danny

Oh yes, even old people are getting in on the Four Aces fun. Perhaps someone should tell them that we need a nickname for the Five Elements, but that's neither here nor there.

Here's a song, Baseball's Four Aces, from Danny and Juniors, of At the Hop fame. Queen of Hearts? What?! I can't hear you! HERE'S A FOUR ACES SONG BY DAN EEE AND THE JUNIORS… GRACE… THE BLESSING!

Per their 1998 style Angelfire webpage:

Early in 1958 Dick Clark presented Danny And The Juniors with a gold record for At The Hop on American Bandstand, the first of many awards and accolades they would receive over their career, including Best New Group of 1957 and the prestigious Philadelphia Music Alliance Achievement Award more recently.


That's right, the Best New Group of 1957 brings you Baseball's Four Aces. Spinnin' now on your radio, here are Bobby, Joe, and Frank. No Danny- Danny killed himself in 1983. You can see them next on March 4th at the Cheyenne Civic Center in Cheyenne, Wyoming. No really, you can.

I have no doubt that, in their time, these gentlemen cleaned up with the ladies. Perhaps they still do. But this whole digital music thing has thrown them Four (get it?) a loop. You can buy the single at CD Baby (???) or just download the free MP3 they sent around… the choice is yours. Of course, a portion of the proceeds from the download go to cancer reseach. So give it a purchase, yo.

We make fun, but I dare you to not get this fuckin' thing stuck in your head. Somewhere, Jerry Blavat is stroking it.

Listen to the song after the jump. Epic cutter reference, too.


iPhone friendly version:


Baseball's Four Aces