Despite Petition, Michael Vick's High School Will Still Not Display His Jersey
Despite the fact that more people are beginning to like Mike a bit more, there are still some signs out there that Eagles quarterback Michael Vick is still paying for his past transgressions.
Warwick High School took Vick's jersey off display in 2007 when the quarterback began his prison term for dogfighting. In the light of his recent success and redemption, students currently attending the school led a movement to put the jersey in the trophy case where it was once featured.
The intiiative proved unsuccessful, as a spokesperson for the school shared yesterday.
"It is the final decision," said Michelle Price, spokeswoman for Newport News schools. "The school administrators just decided that they are not going to take action on the student's request."
Not only did the students lose the battle with administrators, they seemed to have lost the battle on Facebook as well. Via PFT.
The student who started the Michael Vick High School Jersey Reframed Facebook page currently has 873 “likes.” But the Michael Vick Petition To Not Rehang His Jersey in Warwick High School Facebook page has 1,482 “likes."
The school believes displaying the jersey again would serve as a "distraction" for students. It's understandable that the school wants to shut the issue down once and for all. Look at the attention the issue has already received on a national level.
But you can't blame the kids for trying. Good effort. Maybe next time.