Lute Olson Takes a Dig at Iggy
This picture has nothing to do with anything, but it's hilarious
Or a Diggy, if you will.
During the second half of last night's game, when Arizona ripped-up on Duke, former Wildcat coach Lute Olson – speaking to a very unkempt Leslie Visser (good Christ, what happened to her?) – compared Derrick Williams to Andre Iguodala:
His length and jumping ability reminds me of Andre Iguodala. But Derrick is a lot better shooter, as you can see.
Heh. -nods head-
Here's the audio- click to play.
Perhaps Lute would enjoy our acclaimed series, Andre Iguodala: Portrait of a Leader. Otherwise, him, the wildcat, and every innocent person on that bus, are gonna end up just like his friend.
H/T to reader Brian and Sean Brace for the audio.