Juan Fernandez Likes to "Get His Bieber On"
Juan Fernandez is the most popular athlete at Temple University in the past ten years… maybe… After his late-game heroics sent the Owls to the third round (but really, the second) of the NCAA Tournament, I imagine those of the cherry and white cloth are quite fond of him. I know I am.
But I'm here to remind you that athletes have more than just a serious side, and some of them even have love in their hearts… for Justin Bieber.
Yep. Justin Bieber.
Below is a nice four minute clip of Juan Fernandez getting down with "Baby" by the Beebs, courtesy of Philly Sports Daily. The lead singer in the clip is CB reader Rudy Mezzy.. funny guy.
Check out Juan and Rudy gettin' their Bieber on after the jump.