Shut Up Wheels: Fear of Roller Coasters
Ah yes, spring is in the air. The sweet smell of flowers in bloom, the playful way that the ladies tease us with their short skirts as if to say "There's more, but you have to buy me a Cherry-Chocoolate Gelati first", and the sound of an annoying announcer explaining to us his fear of roller coasters and the new baseball terms he learned this winter.
That's right, folks. Shut Up Wheels is back.
It seems everyone's favorite broadcaster, Chris Wheeler, has learned some choice phrases this offseason. We can now look forward to lengthy discussions ramblings about "lifting and separating" and "ambushing a pitcher." That second term essentially means that batters swing at first-pitch strikes. But Wheels will explain that to you every time someone gets a first-pitch hit off one of the Four Aces. Ah spring.
These are just two of the terms we will include in our live-blog drinking game this year: Going Middle-In with Wheels. More on that soon.
For now, you can listen to Wheels discuss his fear of roller coasters… after the jump.
Taking suggestions in our comments sections for terms to include in the drinking game- already have middle-in (obvs), away away away (3 swigs), good lookin' young player (chug), ambush (one, quick swig, duh), lift and separate (pour it in), goofy (from the side), no doubles defense (two swigs), etc.
Hop it.