At this point, the Flyers would be smart to throw a couple of reverse lights on the truck and play a continuous beeping noise at The Well.

They lost again in a shootout. But more importantly, they didn't play well: [Philly Sports Daily]

“It’s concerning,” Scott Hartnell said. “It’s collectively, it’s not just a line or a couple of guys. We’re not finishing checks and we’re not getting pressure on the forecheck. At the beginning of the year, we were a group of five out there cycling non stop. Now it seems like it’s just one good shift and two off. It’s not winning hockey."


I could go two different ways on this. 

1) They are playing horribly down the stretch and we're set for a big disappointment.

2) They have been coasting for the entire year and are just waiting for a new challenge.

I'm actually not going to press the panic button, yet. Despite all of the lackluster play, when the team needs to get up for a game – like the Penguins – they do it. You could even see it in overtime today. 

It's not right and it's a bit concerning, but they do seem to have a different gear that they can kick into almost at will. Hockey is different in that sense. The game isn't based on timing as much as other sports – say, baseball- rather, it is based heavily on "outworking" an opponent.

It's cliché and overly simplistic, but it's a true statement. You will be able to gauge where this team is going by their effort in the first playoff game. If they still look lethargic, then we have a problem. For now, let's just get the season over without any more injuries- Briere and Betts are out until at least Friday.

Davey I has the recap, the highlights are after the jump.