So Did You Hear The One About The Giants Fan Who Was Brutally Beaten in Los Angeles?
You know the saying: When in LA, don't mess with guys who have pencil-thin 'staches
You probably did, seeing as though about 32 of you sent me the link since Friday.
If you didn't, here are the details.
A Giants fan was walking through the parking lot of Dodger Stadium on Thursday night and was beaten by two men wearing Dodgers gear. Both were described as hispanic.
The man, a father of two and a paramedic, is in a medically-induced coma.
That's pretty much all you need to know. This is above and beyond the "We're not the worst fans in the World" argument, as I'm guessing the two guys who hopped out of a car – with a getaway driver – most likely weren't there for the baseball.
Either way, shockingly, it goes to show that bad stuff happens everywhere. Even when the bandwagon idiots at Phillies games – the Type 1 fans – do dumb shit, it's not grotesquely violent the way this attack in Los Angeles was- a city where this stuff has happened before.
What I would put stock in is the 72 people who were arrested at Opening Day in LA (hey, poet), in what was considered a "quiet day" by the LAPD. Watch the video after the jump.
Of course, none of this is as bad as running on the field and throwing snow balls at a fake fucking Santa.
Hop it.