San_diego_shaftThat's a really big shaft!

And we're not counting soccer, because…. never mind.

Last night, the San Diego Padres debuted their new foul pole, which is adorned with an 88 foot high Taylor Made driver… in fair territory. That's it, San Diegans, you win. I welcome Comcasts' ads on glass, so long as the Phillies avoid putting up comically large cheesesteaks or Krimpets. On second thought… I like Krimpets. Mmm butterscotchity goodness dripping off the right field foul pole on a warm summer's day. I think I just gave Joe Blanton a boner.

[Sign On San Diego]

The shaft, which weighs 1,000 pounds, is remarkably realistic. The grip, made out of wrapped aluminum, appears to be soft rubber.

“My first reaction is that it looks like a real golf club. They did a great job,” Garfinkel said after an inspection Wednesday.

The club will no doubt create a buzz among local fans, as well as the national media. ESPN and the Wall Street Journal are doing stories, and it will most certainly create chatter in the “SportsCenter” highlights.

A promotion is in the works to reward a batter whose home run hits the shaft. A baseball striking the club figures to make quite a racket – maybe something like the Friar mascot ringing the bell.


Those shaft-friar references are located entirely too close in that paragraph.

Anyway, the golf club sucks and it will predictably be owned by Ryan Howard this evening (figuratively… I think).

via Deadspin