Here's an email I received from reader Brian Anstock:

Wanted to say whats up and keep up the good work.  The picture attached was taken on my honeymoon, and we are at Olympia Greece (site of the first Olympics).  My wife had no idea I dragged my Phillies flag across the world so I could take a picture with it.  5 seconds after this was taken 3 security guards started blowing whistles and chasing me down, they thought the flag was for a terrorist threat, I simply replied its the World F*cking Champs flag.  They didn't like that, thanks Bin Laden.

Thanks, Stock


Nice Hangover reference, Stock.

It seems the Greek authorities are intimidated by our embarassment of riches. I mean… four aces? Four? Even though they have Maria Menounos and her NSFW cameltoe, which in and of itself is enough to cause global instability, they're sensitive towards these sorts of outward displays of power.

That or the guards lost five figures left of the decimal point on the '07 Mets.

As for the rest of you, you can contribute to the mailbag. Send me an email message, or don't, but do me a favor: don't text me, it's gay.

And Brian, if you click on that link, you can probably expect to fall into the other 50% of marriages.