Congrats to PSU Dancin' (Mike Kline) for winning two tickets to a Flyers playoff game. Mike, you have an email in your inbox from yours truly.

TWO 1st prizes: Profs (Andriy) and anthgal2 (Anthony Gallagher) both win a $50 gift card to Rock Bottom in King of Prussia

Philly Sports Daily beat reporter Dave Isaac came in third… but he's not eligible. Sorry, Dave.

2nd and 3rd prizes: Devin O'Connor and docta (Pat Furness) both win Philly Phaithful t-shirts.

Essentially, we had five people win four prizes. So instead of going to a tie-breaker, we decided to give out two Rock Bottom gift cards to the second and third place finishers. Fourth and fifth get the t-shirts.

If you won, you should receive an email from me shortly. Thanks for playing. Full results here. Tooting own horn- I came in 29th out of 500, which was good for the 95th percentile nationwide. Sports!