Lenny Dykstra Tried to Rescue Doc Gooden From Celebrity Rehab
Appearing this morning on WFAN in New York, Dwight Gooden explained how Nails tried to get him out of his stint on Celebrity Rehab, which was recently filmed, because Dykstra thought Gooden was being hypnotized and held against his will.
“Dyskstra came to visit me on Celebrity Rehab. That dude was crazy. He thought that I had been hypnotized and they were holding me hostage. He tried to come in with two guys to get me out of there. That’s a true story.”
Gooden went on to say that Dykstra, with whom he had just had dinner a few days prior to his rehab stint, showed up with two “large” men and refused to sign a waiver to be on TV until after he saw that Gooden was OK. After speaking for a few minutes, Dykstra wasn’t convinced and asked if Gooden needed help getting out. He didn’t.
To summarize: Warlock Dykstra tried to break Dwight Gooden out of rehab because he thought Gooden was being held hostage. Just another day in the Dykstra Zone, folks.
Listen to the interview after the jump. Bonus comments about a fan being pulled from the stands to do two members of the 1986 Mets.
H/T to Dan