Perhaps you've already seen Nationals pitcher Todd Coffey sprint to the mound from the bullpen. If you haven't, you can find that tasty deliciousness here. Last night, however, ol' T-Cup™ had a bit of a malfunction on the mound… his nose started to bleed.

As per the usual, T-Mac missed a golden opportunity at humor, even though Sarge put one of the tee for him. Franzke and LA, also as per the usual, took care of the jokey-jokes about Coffey's size and nose, along with debating the proper care for a nosebleed, an ailment suffered by LA just an inning earlier.

After the game, Coffey talked about his nostril problems: [MLB via Yahoo]

"Sometimes it does that when it goes from cold to warm weather," said Coffey. "But never had anything like that in a game. Happened in the bullpen, though."

For the record, you can go to your nose while standing on the rubber and not be charged with a ball, unlike going to your mouth. Coffey who had just given up a single to Placido Polanco, stopped the bleeding literally and figuratively, striking out Howard and John Mayberry Jr. to end the inning.

"Yeah," Coffey said. "[From now on], I'll have to punch myself in the nose and have [trainer Lee Kuntz] come on out."


Hop it for the illegal video taken from MLB by someone who clearly has too much time on his hands…

Would we really have expected the first bloody nose of the year to come from anyone other than Todd Coffey? No we would not. After all, he's just a fat kid.

Might be a quick ad before the video.