Video: T-Mac and Sarge Interviewing Morgan Freeman Was as Awkward as You'd Expect
Listening to T-Mac and Sarge is funny. First you hate 'em, then you get used to 'em. Enough time passes, gets so you depend on them… for things like interviews with Morgan Freeman.
In the seventh inning, one of the greatest living actors popped by the booth to talk about this weekend’s Civil Rights events. As you’d imagine, it was awkward. T-Mac had activated full-fledged Chris Griffin laugh and Sarge was falling all over himself like a puppy on a damp floor. Look at this little excerpt, transcribed for your reading pleasure:
Sarge: What are you favorite actresses that you’ve worked with?
Freeman: My favorite actresses that I have worked with?
Sarge: Yes.
Freeman: Just about all of them.
Sarge: Really? They all… well I’ve been looking at a lot of them, too, and enjoying them. It seems they’re very, very talented. And obviously yourself. Sure not just sayin’ it because you’re here, but, ya know, that’s some talent to do that.
Freeman: Whelp.
Sarge: Think it might be easier to hit a ball coming maybe 98 or 95 or so.
Freeman: Nnnn, I don’t think so.
Freeman, however, does much better with a script. Listening to him improvise is the real world equivalent of when Rick Vaughn visited Nikki’s school in Major League 2. The students were expecting to see the Wild Thing, but instead they got Vaughn, who showed up in a limo, dropped off balls, and left their teacher standing on a curb.
Every wobbly softball T-Mac and Sarge tossed Freeman’s way was met with a three-second Vista-like processing delay followed by a series of clicks and beeps (for real, he made the aliens from District 9 sound like Barack Obama). Not exactly the eloquent narrator we’re used to. Perhaps they should have submitted their awkward questions ahead of time.
The video is after the jump.