Your Memorial Day Weekend Carts: Summer Hath Arrived Edition!
As I sit on the deck of my family's Ocean City abode, watching the stiff breeze tickle green leaves – which seem to be jumping for joy like a chick getting sprayed with Ryan Madson's hose – I notice a palpable hue of anticipation has filled the late-spring air. No, it's not the unofficial start of summer and the three months of pleasure, fun, and commerce that awaits the Jersey Shore. Rather, it's the sheer joy of knowing that Carts and El Capitan ushered in this great season at The OD last night. Summer hath arrived.
That's right, folks, One Seven and One Eight got things started off on the right foot (or wrong foot, depending on how you read these) in Sea Isle. To the Tweets!
So as to not give folks any unwanted pub or attention, I have included links to all of the original Tweets, rather than names.
Jus chilled with mike richards and jeff carter #woooorddd
Jeff Carter and Mike Richards are literally 20 feet away from me and my friends at a bar in Sea Isle right now.
Shook Richie's hand and said im a huge Flyers fan. Got a pic with em.
HAHA Jeff Carter is hitting on the ugliest bitch down in Sea Isle at the OD right now #flyers
I just had a great conversation with jeff carter, and he was hands down the coolest guy I ever met
When you walk into the OD and Jeff Carter and Mike Richards are talking to fatter bitches than you are #flyers
Ripping shots with Jeff Carter at the bar last night #priceless #OD #SIC
Ah yes, folks, summer is here. Happy Memorial Day weekend.