
Just another day in the life of Chase and Jen.

Earlier today, the Utleys visited a recently completed mural, located across the street from the Anna B. Pratt Elementary School in North Philly. 

The mural, an initiative of the Utley Foundation, was painted by Chase and Jennifer, students of the school, and volunteers from the city’s Mural Arts Program to raise awareness for animal cruelty. Students had a chance to submit poster, essay, and photo entries expressing their personal feelings about animals. The winners had their faces included in the mural, which featured other representations to raise awareness for animal kindness.

After the event, Chase and Jen headed over to the school to take pictures with students… and individually high five each one of them.

In an area of the city not far off from where 14 people were recently arrested on dog fighting charges, the work being done by the Utley’s to promote kindness towards animals is sorely needed. Golf claps for Chase and Jen.

Here’s a quick photo gallery, because, let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to see Chase being the man? ………. Thought so.

Video after the jump, too.