And you can touch it.

CSN entered the decade yesterday, unveiling their new “Touch Point” screen. Using the same technology that gave John King a chubby during the 2008 election and Steve Jobs has leaned on for world takeover, CSN will bring us information in an unprecedented fashion. Now I’m just waiting for Barkann to ask it to open the pod bay doors. This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it, Michael.

All jokes aside, it’s a cool upgrade… but they’re using it all wrong.

I didn’t see how it was implemented during Postgame Live, but during the pre-game show, Barkann and Bottalico simply used it to read stats and Tweets, like the one above from SweetMama12. Innovative.

Using it as a replacement for simple graphics makes it nothing more than an novelty item. What they should do (listening, guys?) is use it in a similar fashion to how ESPN and MLB Network use their mini-fields- let Bottalico and Ben Davis breakdown pitches, quirky plays and the like. 

Of course, it probably has a better use for basketball, hockey, and football. 

Putting aside the fact that ex-Gov will use it try to breakdown Donovan’s incompletions, this thing was built for Ray Didinger. He’s going to be so excited to decipher Andy Reid’s modified West Coast Offense that he may need to do it sitting down. I can just hear V Heb now: R Diddy rockin' the third pointer today!

For now, though, we’ll just take delight it watching Barkann, Bottalico and co. squirm at the full-body profile angle while using their giant iPhone. Can we get a tight shot?