Jay Wright is Now Tweeting
This has been an unrivaled week in Twitter signups. First Ilya Bryzgalov on the day of his visit to Philly, then Michael Stutes on a boss day (read: every day), and now Jay Wright (@VUCoachJWright).
The announcement comes as part of a larger PR push for Villanova- the school also unveiled its new basketball website today. It's got a lot of flash and rap music, which basketball players like.
Reals: If, last week, you would have asked me for three people that I'd like to see join Twitter, I would have said, without hesitation, a Russian goalie, a Boss, and Jeff Carter… but Jay Wright would have been a close fourth.
He could go one of two ways with his account: The Pat Summit I'm going to use this as a promotional tool to help strengthen women's lib route or the Pat Chambers I'm going to use this to actually give you some insight into what I do and continue being a kick-ass coach route. Either way, he really needs to end every Tweet with the \\// sign. I know how much you all love that.
His first Tweet was, of course, positive:
I'm telling you, this man could sell viscous liquid to Aunt Jemima.
Perhaps now is the time to rant – in 140 characters or less – about last year's debacle to Wright… Nah, I'll wait. Welcome to the interwebs, Coach.
Invariably, this post will bring out two types of people: Villanova apologists or the unwashed masses* people who hate everything the school does.
*That was a joke! Not real. I don't think I can be more clear about that. I'm getting off stage. \\//