My PHL 17 Post Game Show Continues to be a Work in Progress

Kyle Scott | June 29, 2011

The part of last night's post-game show most talked about was John Clark's butchering of Cliff Lee's actual name. He called him "Clifford." I'm willing to give him a pass on that one, even though Clifton is easily the most popular athlete in the city. To be honest, when he was first traded to the Phillies back in 2009, a friend mistakenly told me that his name was "Clifford." I'll admit that I too had a few Freudian slips during his first few months with the team. We'll assume – perhaps incorrectly – that the host of the Phillies post-game show knows Lee's real name.

But let's turn our attention to Marty Bystrom.

How in the world could he not notice the fact that Lee does the same move before every inning, dating back to – at least – his first go around with the Phillies and most likely the beginning of his pro career? This is a huge media market, with many fine sports minds, how is it possible that the guy pitching questions to the highest paid athlete in the city doesn't know his subject's most obvious quirk? Never mind the fact that, when asking the question, he sounded frighteningly like Alan giving his Wolf Pack speech in The Hangover.

And that camera… good Christ, the footage looks like one of those tapes that gets mailed to Al Jazeera. I was half expecting Charlie Manuel to emerge from the clubhouse pushing a guillotine and carrying a hood. Would it kill them to get an HD camera up in there?

Hop it for the video. I was alone first in the pack, and then Doug joined in later.