Last night, we quizzoed (verb?) at Drinker's. Reader Johnny had the good idea of posting the questions online to occupy you during this sports chasm. We agree.

Here now are 30 questions (plus 2 bonus) from last night's quizzo. We skipped over the quote round here because it's not quite the same on paper… or interweb- whatever. The answers are at the bottom- don't cheat, yo. See how you would have done.

I didn't totally edit all of these questions beyond what was written for my own understanding, so please excuse any typos or awkward sentences. 

Round 1:

  1. In Mighty Ducks, Gordon Bombay is forced to coach a local youth hockey team as punishment for drunken driving. What was his profession? (Hint: Not minor league hockey player) 
  2. In The Sandlot, the kids are afraid of a menacing dog in the adjacent yard. What is the dog referred to by the kids (his name)? 
  3. This book, which was later turned into a movie directed by John Sayles, details the 1919 Chicago White Sox, or Black Sox, as they were called. 
  4. In Miracle, coach Herb Brooks had the team perform suicides (red line to blue line, red line to red line, etc) after a loss. This action, or drill, later came to be known as what in hockey? 
  5. In We Are Marshall, the Thundering Herd’s team plane crashed returning from playing what team? 
  6. The original Rocky was released in what year?
  7. In A League of Their Own, after a sibling rivalry between Dottie and Kit, Kit was traded to what team? 
  8. Who played Angels manager George Knox in Angels in the Outfield? 
  9. In DII The Might Ducks, what is Iceland’s Gunner Stahl’s patented move, which he used in a shootout against Julie? 
  10. Playing Jamie O’Hare in Rudy, Vince Vaughn struck up a friendship with which actor? The two later went on to make a hit independent film.

BONUS 2 points: In that independent film, what was Vince Vaughn’s character’s name? 

Many more after the jump.

Round 2: Major League

  1. What is Charlie Sheen’s character’s, later to be known as “Wild Thing,” name? First and last required. 
  2. In Major League II, what is the name of the newly acquired free agent slugger?
  3. The slugger performs a move that “drives the women in Cleveland crazy.” What is the move he performs? It is a word used by announcer Harry Doyle, played by Bob Ueker. 
  4. In the winter, Sheen’s character (in MLII) worked on two new pitches, the Eliminator and the Humilator, to compliment his fastball, the what? 
  5. Harry Doyle’s partner’s name is what? 
  6. Dennis Haysbert, Serrano in Major League, later played President ____ _____ in 24. What was his name? Both first and last. 
  7. In the first movie, manager Lou Brown tells Roger Dorn, played by Corbin Berson, that he has a problem with the way he is fielding grounders. He says, “don’t give me this _________ bullshit.” 
  8. Pedro Serrano is a finalist for what made up award by Harry Doyle, which is sponsored by Trojan-Enz? 
  9. In Major League 3: Back to the Minors, quite possibly the worst movie ever made, Gus Cantrell is played by what actor? 
  10. In Major League 2, when Rube Baker talks to Wild Thing about breaking up with women, he says he never had a girlfriend, but what once happened to him, which he later forgot about when his mother died? 

BONUS: Rube Baker famously read Playboy and memorized the articles to aid him in getting the ball back to the pitcher. He liked the girls’ interests. When Jake Taylor asked him about it, he gave an example, like “______”.

Round 3:

  1. What word does MONTY tell Harry Doyle he cannot say on the air in Major League? 
  2. In Swingers, when the guys are playing NHL ’94, Vince Vaughn, but it’s not so much him, it’s who that’s good? 
  3. Don Tibbles represent what hockey company, that sponsors team USA in DII Might Ducks? 
  4. Roy Hobbs carves a bat from what in the natural? 
  5. Brickman’s advice to Henry in Rookie of the year is the “three Rs.” What are they? One point for each.
  6. Sean Astin, who played Rudy, later went on to a role in 24. What was his character’s name?
  7. What is the name of the dreaded goon on the Syracuse Bulldogs in Slapshot? 
  8. What team are the Angels playing when Roger sees a group of angels in Angels in the Outfield? 
  9. In Ace Ventura, Ray Finkle’s former nickname was what? 
  10. What was the hot lifeguard’s name in The Sandlot? 








Round 1:

  1. In Mighty Ducks, Gordon Bombay is forced to coach a local youth hockey team as punishment for drunken driving. What was his profession? (Hint: Not minor league hockey player) LAWYER
  2. In The Sandlot, the kids are afraid of a menacing dog in the adjacent yard. What is the dog referred to by the kids (his name)? THE BEAST
  3. This book, which was later turned into a movie directed by John Sayles, details the 1919 Chicago White Sox, or Black Sox, as they were called. 8 MEN OUT
  4. In Miracle, coach Herb Brooks had the team perform suicides (red line to blue line, red line to red line, etc) after a loss. This action, or drill, later came to be known as what in hockey? THE HERBIES
  5. In We Are Marshall, the Thundering Herd’s team plane crashed returning from playing what team? EAST CAROLINA PIRATES
  6. The original Rocky was released in what year?
  7. In A League of Their Own, after a sibling rivalry between Dottie and Kit, Kit was traded to what team? RACINE BELLES
  8. Who played Angels manager George Knox in Angels in the Outfield? DANNY GLOVER
  9. In DII The Might Ducks, what is Iceland’s Gunner Stahl’s patented move, which he used in a shootout against Julie? TRIPLE DEKE
  10. Playing Jamie O’Hare in Rudy, Vince Vaughn struck up a friendship with which actor? The two later went on to make a hit independent film? JON FAVREAU

BONUS 2 points: In that independent film, what was Vince Vaughn’s character’s name? TRENT WALKER


Round 2:

  1. What is Charlie Sheen’s character’s, later to be known as “Wild Thing,” name? First and last required. RICKY VAUGHN
  2. In Major League II, what is the name of the newly acquired free agent slugger? JACK PARKMAN
  3. The slugger performs a move that “drives the women in Cleveland crazy.” What is the move he performs? It is a word used by announcer Harry Doyle, played by Bob Ueker. SHIMMY
  4. In the winter, Sheen’s character (in MLII) worked on two new pitches, the Eliminator and the Humilator, to compliment his fastball, the what? TERMINATOR
  5. Harry Doyle’s partner’s name is what? MONTE
  6. Dennis Haysbert, Serrano in Major League, later played President ____ _____ in 24. What was his name? Both first and last. DAVID PALMER
  7. In the first movie, manager Lou Brown tells Roger Dorn, played by Corbin Berson, that he has a problem with the way he is fielding grounders. He says, “don’t give me this _________ bullshit.” OLE
  8. Pedro Serrano is a finalist for what made up award by Harry Doyle, which is sponsored by Trojan-Enz? BONER OF THE WEEK
  9. In Major League 3: Back to the Minors, quite possibly the worst movie ever made, Gus Cantrell is played by what actor? SCOTT BAKULA
  10. In Major League 2, when Rube Baker talks to Wild Thing about breaking up with women, he says he never had a girlfriend, but what once happened to him, which he later forgot about when his mother died? KICKED IN THE BALLS BY MULE

BONUS: Rube Baker famously read Playboy and memorized the articles to aid him in getting the ball back to the pitcher. He liked the girls’ interests. When Jake Taylor asked him about it, he gave an example, like “______”.

Who was it and what did she like to do? BETSY LOVES SURFING


Round 3:

  1. What word does MONTY tell Harry Doyle he cannot say on the air in Major League? GODDAMN
  2. In Swingers, when the guys are playing NHL ’94, Vince Vaughn, but it’s not so much him, it’s who that’s good? JEREMY ROENICK
  3. Don Tibbles represent what hockey company, that sponsors team USA in DII Might Ducks? HENDRICKS HOCKEY
  4. Roy Hobbs carves a bat from what in the natural? SPLIT TREE THAT WAS HIT BY LIGHTNING
  5. Brickman’s advice to Henry in Rookie of the year is the “three Rs.” What are they? READINESS RECUPERATION CONDITIONING One point for each.
  6. Sean Astin, who played Rudy, later went on to a role in 24. What was his character’s name? LYNN MCGILL
  7. What is the name of the dreaded goon on the Syracuse Bulldogs in Slapshot? OGIE OGILTHORPE
  8. What team are the Angels playing when Roger sees a group of angels in Angels in the Outfield? TORONTO BLUE JAYS
  9. In Ace Ventura, Ray Finkle’s former nickname was what? THE MULE
  10. What was the hot lifeguard’s name in The Sandlot? WENDY PEFFERCORN