
This morning, Andy Reid hopped on Mike and Mike to talk, presumably, about the Eagles raping and pillaging of the NFL. You can listen to the rather lengthy discussion here, but the highlight came when Golic asked Reid his thoughts on Rob Ryan's comments about "beating the Eagles' ass."

Ladies and gentlemen, Andy Reid:

"Well, you know, I would have been pretty upset if he would have said it was a hot dog  eating contest. I would have been ready then, but I don't really care about all that stuff. Anybody can say what they want to say. The reality is when you strap it on and you play. That's where it all takes place."


A direct hit.

I imagine a confrontation between the two sounding something like the fat guys breathing in Family Guy. I'd still tune in.

Reid was also apparently not thrilled with today's "thud drills" in practice and switched the team to live hitting. Grilled Reuben Frank took a few moments out of his busy schedule regurgitating press releases to Tweet the update:

This was not planned as a live drill, but after two "thud" reps, Andy barked out, "We're going to go live. I can't take this."


Fuck it, we'll do it live! Fuckin thing sucks.