Is that a post-game spread in your pants, or are you just happy to have Hunter Pence here?

One of the cool things about Twitter is that anyone, but especially athletes and celebs, can get immediate feedback on what followers like and don't like. Not surprisingly, we like Pence. A lot.

Here now is a sampling of Tweets either in response to – or directed at – Hunter Pence (@hunterpence9)… just in the last 12 hours since the end of last night's game. Keep in mind, a number of these are in response to Pence's Tweet about Vance Worley joining him and Michael Stutes on Twitter. The rest are about food.

Two things are fairly obvious here: 1) most people can't seem to comprehend that he was only in Philly for a little over 24 hours and 2) your grammar is horrible.

As always, Hunter Pence fellatio Tweets are best read while listening to Katy Perry's Last Friday Night. Give it a hop for the audio and – unedited – Tweets. And, since you're so interested, we've included videos at the bottom of Hunter eating breakfast. Our crush has reached dangerous levels.

Click to play:

So what u eating for breakfast ?

you waved to my daughter at sundays game in between innings and she is still talking about it! Thanks for making her day!

you gotta convince Cliff, Chase, or Halladay to get on here….impress me

i love @HunterPence9! he looks SO hot in a #phillies jersey.

do you think you could rock a Mohawk like @vanimal_49

You got your read spikes! Yay!!! haha Philly <3s you

 I love how your getting all the phillies players on twitter<3 can you make Utley get one?!

keep doing what you are doing. Your hustle is rubbing off on everyone!

i, i just love @HunterPence9 #plainandsimple

get Chut on twitter so I can die happy, or at least pass this msg along to him: Chase, s'good bull? lets get drunk

welcome to philly! If you want the best cheesesteak go to steves prince of steaks in the northeast! Its on me

Not only have the #Phils not lost since he got here but now @hunterpence9 has convinced @vanimal_49 2 join twitter! I <3 the matchin mohawks

can't wait to see you at the game today! You're my new favorite Phillie 🙂

Someone buy me a @HunterPence9 shirt #lovehim

keep doing what you are doing. Your hustle is rubbing off on everyone!

you are a beast and im very happy that you are a Phillie, great game tonight!!!

I think @HunterPence9  should get Ruben Amaro Jr on twitter

you earned that buffet tonight HP3

Hope you're enjoying your meal with Schneider!!

great game tonight #worldseries2011 #LetsGoEat

not even a week in and you make the daily news cover!!! What a start!

good game lovin the energy.

@vanimal_49 has joined twitter! 🙂 That just made my night so much better… @hunterpence9 is doing great things on and off the field now!

@mikestutes @HunterPence9 its actually @VANIMAL_49…any of u 3  want to talk to LaSalle Univ Rugby team about hard work and determination?

Man crush overload

how many cheesesteaks have you had since you've been up there Hunter??

phillies cant lose with you brotha

I'm a little late cuz I just found your twitter page. Welcome to the Phillies 🙂

 Seriously dude, I laughed out loud when I heard you said that.  Oh, and welcome to Philly, we're glad you're here!

I REALLY appreciate you coming over to the rail to sign autographs tonight.  Means a lot to us fans.  We are thankful for you.

I just ate!!! Good game lets do it again tommorow

Since you and @HunterPence9 are convincing every Phillies player to join Twitter. Convince Michael Martinez Por Favor.

 Its great to see the big fella gettiing some pitches to hit, now that you are behind him!!!

Seriously. #Philadelphia goin innnnnnn!

you guys are crazy! Try and convince Chase Utley to join!

Looks like those new red reebok spikes brought you some luck tonight….Great game!!  Go Phils!!!

Word, guys get minimart on the twitter train!!,

Dude @HunterPence9 is all over twitter. Awesome addition to the phillies. #worldseries

 4-0 as a phillie!! you bring energy and much needed life to the lineup!!! lets make it 5 in a row tom!!

u are awesome!!!!

win now, eat later. We can eat after the World Series!! #letsgoeat

Hey Hunter what's your favorite non baseball related thing about Philly?

Welcome to twitter. Glad you're part of the #Phillies, magic number is 45

isn't it awesome and funner

 justwentandate. Would recommend it.

heres a challenge for you guys. Get Charlie on Twitter

Yes!!! Utley needs a twitter!

howard? Or mad dog he would deffinetly do it

hey hp3 been with the team a lil have you talked chase or shane into twitter yet

you gotta convince Antonio Bastardo!

any chance of howard victorino or chooch joining the twitter fam?

I want charlie on here

I'm with you & Vic! LOL! Awesome game! 

4-0 as a Phillie..nice to know the good luck charm is in town

o yea, and @HunterPence9 Welcome to Philly – great game today btw #future

if utley joins I'm streaking the following home game.

i would just like to thank you (my fav RP) and @HunterPence9 (my new fav RF) for getting my fav ace on twitter

Haha they made a T-shirt out of that quote. I think it's safe to say that Philadelphia has fully embraced you.

He even plays the twitter game the right way. 

I feel like @HunterPence9 was born in Philly and has played here all his life.  Fits in with the personality of the city & Phils quite well.

how many followers did @HunterPence9 get since the trade to Philly?

what's for dinner?  You get your shoes yet?

I was there sunday vs clint & co.  Double in 10th was clutch!  My buddy seans first game, thx for making it memorable. Retwt?

 just convince as many Phils as you can to get Twitters! I would love to see any of you guys on here!!

you were a great addition to our team!!

Yeahh I'm a girl watching ESPN @ the bar watching pieces of the phillies game from tonight @HunterPence9 you are a stud!!!!

Hey @HunterPence9, I hope you know you are already loved here in Philly. This is the start of a beautiful relationship. #seeyouinoctober

@HunterPence9 #letsgoeat after the W!

finally found @HunterPence9 Lets Go Eat video

I love you!!! So happy you are phinally a Phil!!!

You started your own hashtag champ #letsgoeat

Your helping this team n a lot of ways but then more then with your enthusiasm!

Welcome to Philly! You are loved already! Thank You….

I really like this dude @HunterPence9's Twitter Swagger. What with all the smiley faces and positivity and whatnot. Well played.

<3 how u've been a phillie for less than a week & ur already making moves! Good work w Vance on twitter #letsgoeat who's next?

if u get utley to join I will love u two more than I already do! If thts possible!

Top 3 restaurants in Philly ? Keep us posted!!

great game tonight bro. You had us at hello #phillies fans

Just unfollowed Kesha to make room for @HunterPence9.. Gotta keep the followers/following ratio above 1

Win tomorrow, and you'll experience your first 5-game win streak in 2011…in your first 5 games as a Phightin… #phillies

We're loving all the doubles you are hitting! "Safe and Secure" Keep it up! Glad you're equipment came and you're a Phillie!

#letsgoeat @hunterpence9 lmao your a boss.

Good game, lets go eat, We got the "W". I want to be @hunterpence9

 good game! what's to eat?

Can u give a RT to ur biggest mexican fan? 🙂 Watch ur games daily. Hope someday i'lll go to philly

your the fucking man keep it up!

You are my twitter heroes lol! TY for convincing @VANIMAL_49 to join twitter!!

painting "good game, lets go eat" on my wall thanks @HunterPence9

You had me at #letsgoeat. Welcome to Philly, @HunterPence9 !

Oh, Hunter.  You really are a Philly boy at heart.  Sigh.  Welcome home!  Ishkabibble's. 337 South St. Get a Gremlin 2!

yo penceylvania! You gotta tag that #letsgoeat 

Can that get rt ?

Do u have a favorite place to eat yet in Philly? And glad to see you got you new cleats. But did like the ghetto spray paint.

u seem to be hungry alot @hunterpence9 #letsgoeat

have you been informed where to "eat" in Philly

I think it's time for a beard. So I can make a twitter 'beardofpence'

you sure do like to eat 🙂

Oh man, you guys are smokin' hot!

great game.  Keep it rolling out West.

youre the man. Great game, bring it home man

Dear @HunterPence9 … You like Philly.  I like baseball.   Please find it in your heart to wake up on an offday to join @Good_Day_Philly

great job the last two nights. New uni top in my future.

Keep eating. Get the broom out.

@VANIMAL_49 welcome to Twitter! Make sure you win your next game so @HunterPence9 can eat!

there's going to be a ton of good games. I hope u have a good appetite. #letsgoeat #Phillies

we <3 you


You got some on your chin, Philadelphia.


And an older one.