Let's Go Eat: The Movement
Alright, folks, I'm going to need your help with this.
Reader Wayne and others have suggested this to me, and the more I think about it, the more I love it.
It goes like this: In place of (or in addition to) the overused and often unenthusiastic Let's Go Phillies chant, let's take Hunter Pence's post-game saying and run with it. Let's go eat! Let's go eat! just rolls off the tongue, and it sounds even better when 45,000+ are screaming it at full throat while Ryan Madson bears down on a hitter to close out a game, or Hunter Pence steps to the plate with the winning run on second.
Fads and fan gimmicks, when done wrong (Rally Monkey, The Claw), can be supremely annoying. But when they're done right (Orange Crush, white rally towels), they only add to the in-game experience… especially during a playoff run.
Now, with very clear understanding that something like this straddles a fine line between awesome and midwest fans, we need to set some ground rules (thanks to the always opinionated Spike for the suggestions).
The phrase was used in reference to completing a victory, a job well done with a reward for the winner. As such, the chant shall only be used in the following circumstances:
1) The Phillies lead in the top of the ninth inning or later, and their pitcher is in position to close out the game (doesn't have to be a save opportunity, per say).
2) The Phillies are batting in the bottom of the ninth or later, and have the – very important - winning run either on base or at the plate.
Consider this chant a finishing move, if you will. The victory is within grasp, all that's needed is the kill shot: Let's go eat.
To do this effectively, I need your help. If you like the idea, simply click that little "Share on Facebook" link to tell all your friends that you stand behind the idea and want to see Citizens Bank Park rocking with Let's Go Eat chants late this summer and into the fall. Just imagine the scene in October, with 45,000+ chanting Let's Go Eat, as Ryan Madson is one strike away from cementing yet another playoff victory.
Let's go eat, Philly.