Madden 12 Out Tomorrow: DeSean Jackson Gets 100 Speed Rating, Play Against Other CB Readers Online
We don't do too much with video games here, but Madden (and NHL, FIFA) are the exceptions. Tomorrow, EA Sports will release Madden 12. The early release is already available to download (If you paid $25 for their online pass like I did- business expense, yo. My free review copy should be here today or tomorrow…). Anyway, last week, EA Sports and ESPN SportsNation held voting for which players would receive 100 ratings in five separate categories. LeSean McCoy (elusiveness) and DeSean Jackson (speed) were finalists. Shady didn't win, but D-Jac did, narrowly edging Chris Johnson for the coveted 100 speed rating.
One of the features of Madden 12 is the ability to host online communities, where you can play other members and see how your record stacks up against the rest of the community- a league, if you will. The Crossing Broad community is already live (PS3 only). All you have to do is search for it by name ("Crossing Broad") and enter password: timeyours. That's it. We'll most likely figure out a way to offer up prizes to monthly leaders and such. All of the settings are the default settings except games are played on All-Pro and game flow is turned off- you have to call your own plays. My handle is – creatively named – crossingbroad. I'm already 0-1…
Video explaining communities after the jump.