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Reader Dan asked me what I would call last night’s boner in D.C. I told him there was already a name for it: West Philly Gangbang

That’s not entirely true.

Instead of a single, surprising shot ringing out into the night, the death of Ryan Madson (and the Phillies) played out like an elongated, melodramatic Martin Scorsese scene. It’s as though Madson heard the car coming around the corner, stepped out into the middle of the street, watched the 1998 Plymouth Breeze stop just feet before him, and yelled, “You got one fucking shot, Zimmerman.”

Game over.

The Breeze then slowly pulled away after stopping to see the carnage and snapping a few pics.* This one, perhaps:

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The Phillies lost last night, 8-4.

*Often this sort of action results in retaliation…

Madson talked about his public death:

Here are the game highlights.

Both Cole Hamels and Jose Contreras will throw light bullpens today.

Perhaps this was a bad time for David Murphy’s column about the bullpen’s success.

Roy Oswalt will start tonight.

Finally, going to include this in each day's Wood: Vote for us in CBS Philly's Blog Awards. Takes two seconds, you can vote once per day. Thanks! Vote here.