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Last night, Jimmy Rollins Tweeted with fans while en route to DC (presumably aboard a charted Acela train). He kicked things off by telling us about Game's latest album, which features a Roy Halladay mention:

Money like Madoff

Killin' like Adolph

Roy Halladay, I'll let a fuckin K off


Awesome. We have a new saying for a Roy Halladay strikeout, folks. [Big League Stew has an in-depth breakdown of the lyrics]

Never mind the less-than-stellar company, Doc just earned a little streed cred, even though J-Roll™ tell us Big Roy won't be rapping any time soon:

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Neither can Shane:

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Of course, this all came just hours after J-Roll™ posed with Ke$ha…

Kesha_rollinsPhoto: Phillies

This team has officially gone Hollywood.

Listen to the Doc mention in All I Know after the jump.