Tony Romo Played Hide and Go Seek at His Bachelor Party
Now we wouldn’t dare assume this was really a game of hide the salami, but you never know… Tony Romo told Yahoo! (!!!) that since there was no drinking that night (wait, what?), he and his friends decided to turn off all the lights and play a game of who’s in my mouth? hide-and-go-seek: [Us, yeah Us]
“I didn’t really feel like drinking that night,” Jessica Simpson‘s ex-beau said. “So I was like, let’s find something to do here. We tried coming up with a game, and with 14 or 15 guys, there ain’t a lot of non-drinking games at that age that you can do.”
So Romo’s alternative to a boozy bash? Hide-and-seek! “It was pitch black anyway,” he explained. “[So] hide-and-go-seek, I guess it is!”
You know, we should all strive to, at some point in life, be known as somebody’s “ex-beau.”
Thankfully, we’ve obtained exclusive video of the game, which you can view after the jump.
H/T to Tom for taking one for the team and visiting Us Weekly
Here’s video of him talking about it. Honest to God, I’m creeped out as fuck right now. The guy interviewing him looks like Zen Matthew McConaughey.