They call this foreshadowing, folks

Several of the Flyers (including James van Riemsdyk, Claude Giroux, and #wheresscotthartnell) took batting practice at Citizens Bank Park today. Guess which $25 million man performed some yard work?

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He now has more home runs than Ross Gload.

Finally, more Winter Classic stuff (this is sort of like the O.J.trial: so much evidence, so little confirmation). Bridgestone is giving away tickets to the super-double-secret game. And, next Monday, there will be a barbeque for season ticket holders at Citizens Bank Park before the preseason game against… wait for it… the Rangers. 

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– nods head, looks around – I see what’s going on here. I’d be willing to bet there’s an announcement that day.

Carry on.

Be sure to follow our non-existent Winter Classic category for all non-updates about the game that's not taking place.