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Oh holy hell. Perhaps you no longer care about Mr. Werth. Perhaps you still do. Perhaps you’re one of the roughly 30% of females in the area who named their rabbit “Jayson” with a Y. Whatever the case may be, this is pretty funny.

Werth decided it was time for Teddy to win his first presidents’ race, and with the help of Rick Ankiel and the guys in the bullpen, JW tried to make it happen.

Nationals Journal:

This weekend, the final homestand of his season in Washington, Werth has taken matters into his own hands. Friday night, Werth and a few relievers unsuccessfully tried to block the presidents other than Teddy. Saturday, he was more prepared.

After the fourth, Werth and center fielder Rick Ankiel lingered on the warning track in right center. Relievers poured out of the bullpen and waited in the corner. Werth targeted Thomas Jefferson, shoving him into the outfield grass, grabbing his nose and throwing him to the ground.


Unfortunately, Teddy didn’t win. Neither did any of the other presidents. It was Werth who crossed the finish line… for his first meaningful victory of the year.

Video after the jump.

Also, check out for more hilarity.