Mike Stutes Shops For a Car... on Twitter
Welcome to the show, Mr. Stutes.
A couple of weeks ago, Stutes Tweeted about his desire to purchase an SUV, a near requirement if you’re going to be a big time reliever. What he probably didn’t expect (or totally expected when he Tweeted his intentions) was that Main Line Land Rover would reach out to him. We interpret:
We like hooking up sports figures with cars. Just ask Jay Wright.
Sweet. It only took 10 days for a dealer to take the bait. Land Rover, too? Score!
We want to take a photo with you and put it on our website.
Actually, you're an athlete, let's supercharge that ish. – looks up his college – How about one in Oregon State livery?
Free, right? Because I'm pretty sure Brad Lidge got the Nissan he doesn't drive for free.
Phone number, email, home address and shoe size?
Don't worry, I know what I'm doing.
Shit. What was I thinking?
This is GREAT PR! I sent you an email asking you to come in and take a picture for the website.
God dammit, some dude just sent me a picture of his junk wearing a pink boa.
No response yet. Fine, we'll just send you the pricing, but don't think you're getting one without recording seven radio spots and two TV commercials.
Christ, they want me to pay over dealer invoice? I should have been a starter.
You're going to hear from us EVERY DAY.
And now you have Mike Stutes' email address.
H/T to reader Pamela