Welcome to the show, Mr. Stutes.

A couple of weeks ago, Stutes Tweeted about his desire to purchase an SUV, a near requirement if you’re going to be a big time reliever. What he probably didn’t expect (or totally expected when he Tweeted his intentions) was that Main Line Land Rover would reach out to him. We interpret:

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We like hooking up sports figures with cars. Just ask Jay Wright.

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Sweet. It only took 10 days for a dealer to take the bait. Land Rover, too? Score!

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We want to take a photo with you and put it on our website.

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Actually, you're an athlete, let's supercharge that ish. – looks up his college – How about one in Oregon State livery?

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Free, right? Because I'm pretty sure Brad Lidge got the Nissan he doesn't drive for free.

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Phone number, email, home address and shoe size?

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Don't worry, I know what I'm doing.

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Shit. What was I thinking?

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This is GREAT PR! I sent you an email asking you to come in and take a picture for the website.

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God dammit, some dude just sent me a picture of his junk wearing a pink boa.

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No response yet. Fine, we'll just send you the pricing, but don't think you're getting one without recording seven radio spots and two TV commercials.

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Christ, they want me to pay over dealer invoice? I should have been a starter.

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You're going to hear from us EVERY DAY.

And now you have Mike Stutes' email address. 

H/T to reader Pamela