Morning Wood: Foreplay
Welcome. 162 games have come and gone. The Phillies won 102 of them. Docotber begins tomorrow.
Still feeling the effects of my first time sitting with the Sons of Ben last night (thanks Larry and Anthony), so here are a few Phillies-related links to get things started off.
– Tony La_Russa (watch out for folks leving out the space) is an idiot. He’s not pitching Jaime Garcia until Game 4. There might not be a Game 4, T.
– Cardinals broadcaster Dan McLaughlin did his best La Russa impression last night- he was cited for drunken driving after he crashed his vehicle.
No other vehicle was involved, police say, but declined to elaborate.
Police also accused McLaughlin of leaving the scene of an accident and negligent driving. He was released on $750 bond.
The latest arrest came while McLaughlin apparently still was on probation for a drunken driving conviction last year in Chesterfield. In November, McLaughlin was ordered to serve two years probation and complete community service after he pleaded guilty to driving drunk on Aug. 16.
Nice work, fella.
– The theme of the day today on is age. Bill Conlin, who just the other day wrote about all the reasons why the Phillies won’t win in October (he failed to mention the starters once), talks about the Phillies’ aging dynasty and what the lineup might look like in 2013. Question: Who the fuck cares? Talk about not having the pulse of your readers. And Bob Ford writes about… well, age.
Mush city over there.
– John Finger of CSN Philly hands out his postseason awards.
– Finally, even though most of you hate this song, this modified version of Green Day’s Wake Me Up When September Ends by readers Nick and Justin seems apropos today.