Your #askthebooth Questions That Didn't Make Air
This is also a bad idea
This weekend, the Phillies’ broadcast made its first foray into interactive television with its “Ask The Booth” segment. The Phillies asked you, the viewer, to pose questions to T-Mac, Wheels, and Sarge. As expected, the results were disastrous.
I pity the production assistant who was tasked with combing through the litany of #askthebooth Tweets to find ones that were suitable for air, let alone coherent. Here are some that didn’t quite make the cut. As always, your Tweets are unedited.
JCSdesign82 Jim Schugsta
@Phillies Is Tom McCarthy tired of saying "Pretty impressive stuff" over and over again? #askthebooth
Danny_Donaghy Dan Donaghy
#askthebooth how does this work
@Chiccywood: How did Shakespeare In Love beat Saving Private Ryan for Best Picture? I mean, for serious. #askthebooth
PhilliesFever :D
#askthebooth Have you ever met the Xfinity turtles?
tut_ ₪
@philaphillies What's the grossest thing you've ever seen Joe Blanton eat? Be honest. #AskTheBooth
bbonner71 Bob Bonner
Have you ever caught Wheeler staring at Utley while he showered? #askthebooth
adimike55 Adrian Hickman
.@philaphillies since Scott Graham is no longer in Philly, how come TurkeyHill hasn't renamed Graham Slam to Wheels Slam? #AskTheBooth
raaaachel_4519 Rachel
i accidentally sent my dad a sext last night that was meant for my boy and i don't know how to approach the situation. advice? #AskTheBooth
@kofiabiney: Will I get laid again at some point in my life or should I just stick to my right hand forever? #askthebooth
RobGerhart RobGerhart
@philaphillies #askthebooth Where does Wheels buy his toupées?
msab20 Michael Sabatino
. @philaphillies How do you two stand listening to each other? #askthebooth
dagreenhouse da greenhouse
@philaphillies hey tmac, if the moon were made of bbq spare ribs, would ya eat it? #askthebooth
JRCarty Jason Carty
@philaphillies #askthebooth do they make toupees in mohawk style?? #wheels
scrappleSports scrapple sports
hey #askthebooth , has Wheels ever clogged the toilet on a road trip?@Phillies
rusty_kittin Russell D'Agostino
@philaphillies #askthebooth how's muff feeling tonight?
tkesq TK
Did Wheels just call the #askthebooth tweets filthy? @philaphillies
PhillyPhan3410 Hunter Maenner
@philaphillies Have you guys ever met Jack McKeon and if so what does he trade? #askthebooth
inkenzceivable Mackenzie
Less #askthebooth more Cliff Lee #makeitstop
Jrmcgeev John R. McGeever
#askthebooth did cliff lee remind you of seabiscuit when he rounded 3rd?
t8designs t8designs
@philaphillies so Wheels wasn't invited to the bbq at Dusty Bakers, huh? #Askthebooth
ryan2714 Ryan Cassidy
can someone please please make an absolute ridiculous handle and ask a legitimate question to #AskTheBooth so the read it on air
NKluse_816 Nate Klusewitz
@philaphillies is Cliff Lee cooler than Chuck Norris? #askthebooth
RobGerhart RobGerhart
@philaphillies #askthebooth What more is there to the Sarge story? Is he a pill popper?
PhilsRallyMan John Schmidt
How long to secure wheels' hairpiece? #askthebooth
MegReilly1 meg reilly
Can you guys shutup? #AskTheBooth
DHimmel10 Doug Himmelreich
@philaphillies why is #wheels so gay? #askthebooth
JoeS3737 Joe S.
@philaphillies why does it seem like Wheeels jerks off every single player on the opposing team we face? #AskTheBooth
bdayshouts rfred5
Why does it burn when I pee? #askthebooth
dnemetz20194 Dave Nemetz
Who's the cute brunette in the red shirt who shows up on camera when a RH batter is up? #askthebooth
Pattig143 patrice g
#askthebooth so seriously does the phanatic have a dad…and why do we never see him if he does @philaphillies
philsphan19 Holly
Why is it that I can only enjoy an outdoor shower down the shore? #askthebooth
ItsNiceGuy Eddie
#AskTheBooth How many squirrel pelts does Wheels go thru annually?
NQAPodcast NQAPodcast
My epileptic girlfriend says I should adopt her daughters baby with a multiple sclerosis transgendered heroin addiction? #askthebooth
Atomic_Nads Tim Osman
@AskTheBooth Who is the asshole with the Soviet Union tshirt behind home plate? #askthebooth
mleif Marc
@philaphillies During long stretches on the road, have you two ever looked at each other and considered it? #askthebooth
conroyd1 Dave Conroy
How often does Weels 'rub it on his pantalons, man!' ? #askthebooth
dnemetz20194 Dave Nemetz
Are the lucky Citizens 7 fans really lucky?#askthebooth
ziggyroxymarley lovelee33
#askthebooth. Does Wheels attend Plushie and Furrie conventions? I know I've see him
tkesq TK
Sarge, does size really matter? @philaphillies #askthebooth
jonwoood Jon Wood
@philaphillies #askthebooth is it true that wheeler sucks eggs?
Keep up the good work, folks.