Adam Reigner, a producer at WIP, wants the Eagles to lose today. This is why.


Do you have your pitchforks ready?

The Eagles are going to lose today at Buffalo. That’s a stone cold mortal lock. If they do somehow end up winning — I will get on my Huffy, pedal my ass down to my local watering hole and drown my sorrows with my best friend Jack. 

Never before have I wanted my team to lose a game. As a matter of fact, I’m the kind of fan who goes into every game thinking they are going to win. Not this week — not anymore. 

It’s been 13 long, fat years.

It was January 11th, 1999, Joe Banner and Jeffery Lurie were ready to take the Eagles into the 21st century. Their first step was bringing in Andy Reid, a quarterbacks coach from Green Bay, to guide their team to a Super Bowl Victory. 

The only thing Reid has brought to this city since has been; a smug attitude, an ever-increasing waist line, and an education in poor clock management.

October 9th, 2011, judgment day. After literally thousands of “I gotta do a better job” and “It’s my responsibility to put the players in a better position”, Reid’s job is finally on the line. Even his detractors have nothing left to defend him with.

The irony here is too much.

The Eagles have been nothing more then a poor man’s early 1990’s Buffalo Bills. Instead of Super Bowls its NFC championship games, and instead of Marv Levy leaving after 11 years with dignity, Reid has stuck around like a bad cough.

From day one, he let us know that he was smarter then us. Regardless of if you wanted Donovan McNabb or Ricky Williams — he made the right choice. That onside kick against Dallas was brilliant. But for ever hit there has been more misses.

Year after year glaring holes would go unfilled. 

Reid has always been misguided by the idea that he can coach up anybody and make them work in his system. How else can you go into a season with two 7th round picks as your outside linebackers and a 4th rounder as your middle?

Stephen Tullouch was available during free agency and would have fit this team perfectly. He played behind Jim Washburn’s “Wide 9” in Tennessee to the tune of 160 tackles last season. 

Instead, they spent money on a backup quarterback who has contributed nothing but a rallying cry for every other team in the league. A corner back, who regardless of playing press or zone, hasn’t shown me he can make a tackle. And finally a backup running back who was responsible for the single dumbest play I have ever seen in football.

I’ve been watching football since I can remember. I played some in college and coached Pop Warner — I have never seen any play as stupid as that. The only comparison that remotely even comes to mind is Tim Tebow throwing a “jump pass” on the goal line at Florida. Before Sunday, I had never seen a “tackled pass”.

Over the last three years, you’ve seen a lot of changes on this team. Lurie and Banner are giving Andy ever chance to succeed that they can. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, then consider these last two years sanity. Everything has changed on this team except one thing.

Our notoriously stingy owner has gone out and spent money like he was running the government. He expects a proper return on his investment, something that he isn’t seeing.

With this much talent, there is only one person to blame for not getting it done.

So here I am, rooting for the Buffalo Bills (ironically enough) to “kick” me awake from this dream that Reid is going to bring us a Super Bowl. Sometimes you have to take a step back to take two forward, right, Andy? 

Your steps backwards have just been, well — backwards. 

Here is my step backward … I want you to lose Sunday — for this team to take two steps forward, you have to be fired. There are far too many great players on this team for the same four to get exposed every single week.

We could have had it all, but I have completely given up on you.

I no longer get mad when you mismanage the clock, I expect it. I watch games waiting for you to screw up, not to see players make plays. You’ve brought me to the point that I can’t even be mad at Juan Castillo for not having a clue on how to run a defense. You put him in the same position you put all your players in, a position to fail. This team reflects your weak mental state and folds when things get tough. I cheered Mikey Miss when he put your feet to the fire, because my mom taught me a long time ago you get the respect you show others.

I used to get upset when things didn’t go our way — Now I just laugh.

You’ve become nothing more then a joke.