Joe Paterno Said He was Told Sandusky was “Fondling” a Young Boy

Kyle Scott | December 16, 2011

Here you go, Joe Paterno apologists, the words from the man himself about what he knew happened in the showers. 

Paterno’s testimony to the grand jury was read aloud in court today: [via Nate Bauer of]

"He (McQueary) had seen a mature person who was fondling, whatever you might call it, I’m not sure what the term would be, a young boy." 

"I ordinarily would have called people right away, but it was Saturday morning and I didn’t want to interfere with people’s weekend." 


No rush here, Joe. Just a boy being touched in the shower. It can wait until Monday.

Tim Curley testified that McQueary told him he had seen an “uncomfortable activity” in the showers. McQueary, of course, says otherwise. Fun times.