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In case you haven’t heard, Curt Schilling dumped millions into forming his own video game company, 38 Studios. On Monday, he was on with Jimmy Fallon to discuss his company’s first major release, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, which is getting outstanding reviews

Part of the interview, of course, centers on that time Fallon and Drew Barrymore celebrated on the field after the 2004 World Series when filming Fever Pitch. Curt was as confused as the rest of us who were watching. 

Schilling, who is a huge video-gamer, said it took five years and “tons of money” to make the game, which he had a hand in by providing feedback… and funding the whole thing.

I’ve always been a big Schilling fan– he routinely spoke his mind and probably pissed off a lot of people along the way, but, as you can see in the interview, he was seemingly one of the few guys on the ’93 team who was more of a family man than an asshole… and there’s something to be said for that.

Bonus points to ?uestlove for playing Schilling out to “Video Games,” too. Video after the jump.