
Photo via reader Liz

Line dancing with a chick in pink pants at Mad River… or Kildare’s… or Ladder 15. Somewhere!

Saturday night, fresh off a smelly loss to the Pittsburgh Penguins, we were tipped off that the Flyers had a private area reserved at Kildare’s in Manayunk. They showed up there for a little while. Then were spotted throughout Manayunk, at Mad River specifically. And, later, Hartnell at Ladder 15 in Center City. Somewhere along the way, the above happened.

This is all of little consequence, but any time you send us a grainy picture of Scott Hartnell line dancing… well, we’re going to find an excuse to post it. And yes, we know you can't see his face.

Speaking of fun times and ladies… Coatsey looks like he had a swell afternoon at the Flyers Wives Carnival: 

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Photo via (@fakelavy)
