
Final chance to win tickets or a trip to Dublin.

We're asking you to take the Guinness pledge to drink one pint (or more, but drink responsibly) of Guinness on St. Patrick's Day to help set a world record for Largest St. Patrick’s Day Party Ever.

Here’s what’s in it for you:

The more people that sign up, the more we get paid. And, on St. Patty's Day, we’re going to pass back half of whatever that payment in the form of tickets to one reader who takes the pledge– the higher the payout, the better the event and seating location (we’re shooting for rinkside seats (2) at a Flyers playoff game). Think of this as a FREE raffle ticket. Oh yeah, and by pledging to drink a Guinness on St. Patty’s Day, you can enter for a chance to win a free trip to Dublin courtesy of Guinness. Not bad.

Here’s all you need to do:

1) Click this link to go to

2) Hit the big “Join the Party” button

3) Enter your first name, zip code and – very important – CROS as the “optional code.”

That’s it. Takes two seconds to be part of a world record and to up the 50-50 ante. You can also add a few more details to enter to win a trip to Dublin.

As always, thank you for your support and good luck