Hate Mail From Shittsburgh: "Your a joke," "You Suck"
Last night, after reading the Flyers eulogy on Yahoo!’s Puck Daddy blog, I tweeted: “Wow, someone actually managed to "write" a worse eulogy than me. Congrats?”
It was a partial shot at myself (my Penguins eulogy didn't go over so well with Yahoo! readers), and an obvious shot at the – usually funny – folks from ThePensblog.com, who were charged with grammatically nailing the Flyers coffin shut. Their eulogy had its moments, but it was filled with mostly lame, repetitive jokes, and “written” in the most lazy way possible– by using the same Photoshop for nearly every player.
It seems a few Yinzers took issue with my review.
First up, Kevin:
Subject: Your a joke
You have the the most classless group of fans on the internet and that's saying something for Philly. First your Eulogy by the incompetent Kyle Scott was one of the worst Eulogies I have ever seen. Not only does he rant on and on about how much he hates the penguins but somehow he talks about meaningless stuff. What a pathetic joke he is and the rest of your site is. The fact that you let someone like that go in public and post something like that is amazing. If you did not notice no one liked what he wrote. And now today hes on twitter saying the Pensblog was worse? Get a life jokes look through the comments almost everyone like it and many flyers fans. Its supposed to be humorous not a fucking post about how much you hate the other team like that little punk from your site. Just god awful and i could care less if you email back to this or not because it didnt take much time and its always nice to tell flyers fans how fucking stupid they are and its great when everyone agrees how stupid they are. Have fun winning a cup in maybe 50 years dumbasses
Whoever let that Kyle Scott write those… guy should probably be fired. Also, you’re.
Next, Taylor:
Subject: You suck
Hopefully you feel like the biggest douche on the planet considering your own fans shit on your eulogy and praised the Pensblog for writing theirs with class and actual humor…maybe take notes. You truly are the most pathetic sack of suck on the internet and your hateful, not even remotely funny attempt of a eulogy only proves that you are not only a shitty writer but a pitiful human being. Kyle Scott you suck at life, PLease do us all a favor and just quit writing, no just quit life. Your worthless rants are only serving to make your fanbase look like more of a joke than it already is. Your blog sucks, your eulogy sucks, your teams suck, you suck, your mom sucks my dick.
Lick my asshole
The fine folks of Pittsburgh: defining their lives with blogs posts since 1992.