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Today at 3:30 p.m., the Penn State board of trustees will hold a press conference to address the Freeh report, which was released this morning. One board member, who was elected in May and took office on July 1, Anthony Lubrano, may be forced to recalibrate his stance on The Great Joe Paterno.

Here is Lubrano’s campaign video, on which he spent $25,000 to run on TV stations across the state back in the spring: [edited by Sports by Brooks]

DOH! That was the video that got him elected to the board. This spring. Amazing.

Speaking to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette today, here’s what Lubrano had to say about the Freeh report’s finding:

"I think this report has enough in it to last quite a few days, not hours, maybe weeks," said Mr. Lubrano as he arrived at the Hilton here. "I need to read it, put it down, maybe hear some other perspectives, revisit what someone says that I might have missed … There's a lot in this report."


Yeah, there sure is, Anthony. Good luck with getting that public apology from the board, though.